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Offshore, Harbor and Coastal Engineering – EDGE Engineering and Consulting Limited

Our Services

Offshore, Harbor and Coastal Engineering

We are expert and experienced in designing the impact of the hydrodynamic, especially waves, tides and storm surges and our expertise on corrosion on establishing infrastructures on the harsh environment of salt seawater made us unique company to work in these typical challenges. We undertake the overall technical services for the planning, design and construction supervision of off-shore structures, tidal land, artificial landfills and coastal protection, as well as planning and detailed design of sub-sea pipelines and cross harbor tunnels

Other specialization includes:

  • Optimization of harbor layout including location, length and alignment of breakwaters, jetties, berths, approach channels, turning circles, etc.
  • Estimation of siltation in harbors and navigation channels
  • Hydraulic design of port structures
  • Dredging, disposal and sand bypassing
  • Stability of tidal inlets
  • Littoral drift and shoreline changes
  • Design of shore protection works such as seawalls, groynes, revetments, offshore bunds, beach nourishment
  • Innovative coastal protection methods